3N59A, Hegowee 4WD Club

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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3N59A was adopted by the Hegowee 4WD Club in late 1998.  The trail was altered to by-pass off road trails that used to navigate into the old upper warm springs of Deep Creek.  Environmentalists, personal interest groups and the elusive speckled toad have all but shut down these great trails and camping areas.  We had at one time, the rare privilege of using those trails and doing cleanups to keep them available.  However, those that say we endangered the wildlife won and had the trails rerouted.  We now actively monitor and do maintenance on the new trail.  The trail can be reached either from Deep Creek Road in Hesperia beginning at the Power Line Road or from 3N14 (Coxey Truck Trail), which runs from Apple Valley over to Fawn Skin (Big Bear).  More photos of 3N59A begins with the Toyota traveling through the snow (picture 02a).  In early 2005 rains played havoc on almost all the trails in the San Bernardino Forest.  Here are some small video clips of us traveling the trail.

Do you want to join us on a mild 4 wheeling trail ride?  E-mail us.


Day 2:  We break camp at North Shore.  We clean up and head towards Green Valley Lake and the 3N16 (Crab Flats) trail head.  We are heading over to 3N59A to check out how the trail is coming along from our last muddy run a couple months ago.  Along the way we stop at the Holcolm Creek trail (3N93) and let the group get some rock crawling in.  Rick has a video clip of these amazing rigs coming in, then turning around and heading back out.  Here are a couple shots of Doug's 'YJ' and another with Charlie's 'ZJ' in the background.  We continue down 3N16, left at 3N14 and towards our destination.  3N99, 3N98, 3N59 to the 3N59A trailhead.  The Club Logo is fading after 6 years of weather beating from all the elements.  Need to replace it soon.  The trail is uneventful and the group moves along at a normal pace.  No trash and the fence line is intact the entire length over to the Deep Creek Hot Springs staging area.  Even at this location the area is clean and free of litter.  Sprawled around are vehicles using the hillsides to park off the main staging area scaring the nearby landscape.  We continue our trek out and up the westerly rutted trail and discover a bypass was made to circumvent the designated trail.  We are almost at the 3N59A west trail head and here too the Logo has seen better days.  If you missed the video's of these vehicles playing here, then click here and scroll down the 2N19 page.  We continue unabated with fantastic views of Mount Baldy in the west.  We begin our descent down the Edison (power line) road when Robert finds a wounded Crow.  We watch as several other Crow's drive bomb Robert trying to get the captive freed.  We secure the bird and while in Victorville find an animal shelter willing to take care of the Crow.  It was the end of another great day.  See you next time.

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Friday, January 02, 2015

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