Butte Valley, Death Valley

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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Butte Valley is in the Southwestern portion of Death Valley.  Teaming with wildlife, wild flowers and historical riches this valley is a true wonder of the desert.  Before entering the valley from the south through Goler wash and Mengel Pass you see the monolithic peak of Stripped Butte reaching skyward from the valley floor.  Here natural springs run all year round to quench your thirst if need be.  Very high manganese content to help you metabolize the zinc and other elements in your daily food intake.

Now as you enter the valley there are several routes that take you to various cabins, mines, caves and other interesting sites throughout this area.  Pay close attention to the directions.  Your first sighting is Stella's cabin to your left.  So let's do that.  Soon you come to a crossroads.  If you turn left again you will end up at Russell's camp.  We will continue our journey and turn right moving away from both these sites for now.  The road merges back into the main road and as you travel north you will see a stone cabin on your left.  If you were to take the right fork here you would end up in Death Valley.  Let's go straight and by-pass the stone cabin.  This cabin was built to accommodate geologists surveying the area in the early 1900's.  It is known as the 'Stone Cabin', or Geologists Cabin, or Anvil Springs Cabin.  As we continue north past the cabin you see Warm Springs Canyon Road heading down the valley towards the Butte.  The right spur of this road takes you down to Willow Springs Canyon.  Off to your left are several roads that take you into another hidden canyon and the Outlaw Cave.  We stay on course and make a right jog around some nice sized boulders.  We maintain the northern course and begin a westerly journey down the canyon.  Manly Peak to your left and the Panamint mountain range on your right.  Down the canyon you go staying clear of a couple left turns.  Deeper into the canyon you go as the lava rocks appear to be dominating the landscape.  You will see another left turn marked with 'stacked' rocks.  Even though it appears that the road continues, do not go any further down the canyon.  Make the left turn and drive UP into this canyon. 

Your destination is Emmett's cabin.  After you have explored Emmett's, then return to whence you came, then stop and visit the other cabin's and sites.  All areas are open to the public on a first come first serve basis.  Most the time individuals using the cabin will invite you in to look around.  Please do not destroy any of these structures or their contents.  Please haul out your trash and any 'others' trash if discovered.  We have helped to maintain these sites since the mid 80's.  Bring your own firewood during the cooler seasons.  There are ample supplies here for emergencies.  If you decide to indulge in some of the staples, then try to donate something to replace it.  Need to visit the true 'Outlaw' cave?  Contact the Hegowee 4WD Club if you desire a guided tour.  Now sit back and enjoy yourself while viewing a few pictures of Butte Valley and the road in.

In addition to the pictures the complete journals can be viewed.  Some pages are hard to read. In these cases I have done my best to clean them up.  More pages are added as I discover hidden cashes of lost entries or new entries.  Go to Lost Journals of Butte Valley and read about your past or the past of others.

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Friday, January 02, 2015

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