Coyote Lake

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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Beyond Red Lake is Coyote Lake.  It is the largest natural lake in the Dinkey Lake Wilderness area.  The trail leading out of the far end of Red Lake is a true indication of the work ahead.  The trail up to Coyote Lake has much more of the same, testing you and your vehicle to the breaking point.  Be sure to be patient and have good spotters.  Although the distance between the two lakes is only a mile or so, driving will take longer than the walk.  If you have a small group of vehicles, just be sure to start very early in the morning.  We started 4 wheeling this trail (Red Mountain Turnoff) at 9 AM and was at Coyote Lake at 3:30 PM.  We only had two vehicles, however, we were pulling military trailers.  If you decide to journey into this pristine area, please take your trash out.  More and more people are leaving their beer cans and other trash around.  Just remember if these idiots keep trashing our areas of enjoyment and the trash remains, then the likelihood of these areas closing is REAL.  Drop us a line and tell us if you would like to do some off roading.  The Hegowee 4WD Club will make your journey safe and enjoyable.

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Friday, January 02, 2015

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