Off Road

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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Here are several links that may interest you or be helpful to others.  From time to time the link (address) may change and I will do my best to keep them linked to the appropriate site(s).  The first site is the Law Offices of Dr. Gary Schnittgrund.  Although he is well rounded in all manners of legal expertise, he now focuses on developing and protecting individuals patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets to protect intellectual property.

Next on my list are Off Road organizations and publishers of Off Road activities.  California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs Inc. (CA4WDC, INC.) has been there supporting the sport of off roading since 1959.  They work with legislators and land use professionals to keep our trails opened.

BlueRibbon Coalition is another organization that fights for the recreationist rights.  They work nationwide to teach the public how to work together and use our lands together... united.

The San Diego Off-Road Coalition (SDORC) is another organization that works with government and state officials to keep our public land open.  Also work with the Adopt-A-Trail (AAT) Program to maintain sections of Corral Canyon.

Another organization that needs to be mentioned, and for good reason, is "Tread Lightly".  They help the outdoor community understand how important it is to blend in with nature.  Respecting our national resources without destroying, scaring, trashing, defacing or changing the environment around us.  Have programs to help you learn the meaning and techniques of the term "Tread Lightly."

Read about the Off-Road lifestyle of others from the renown "Off-Road".com.  Many articles from past and present events.  Lots and lots of pictures.

Next we include several different sites of areas that we frequently visit:

San Bernardino National Forest

Death Valley National Park

Sierra National Forest

Monache Meadow

Also another "new" website is almost ready to make its début with everything you always wanted to know about H1's and H2's.  Just click HERE to view this site.

My last link is a very special place and should only be visited, actually there, if you own a Unimog, Pinzgauer or similar type vehicle.  Northwest Mogfest has been an event that has been a Waldersee Farm tradition for a few years now.  Read all about the NWMF experience and true family atmosphere at this site.  Also visit the Unimog photo gallery.

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 old santiago canyon     links     hummer training 1     unimogs     january rains 2005     idaho home

Friday, January 02, 2015

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