Red Mountain, Red Lake

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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The Red Mountain 4X4 trail is one of our favorite spots to get away from it all.  Gorgeous camping in this alpine region of the Sierra National Forest offers clean air and quiet surroundings.  Here you can relax, fish or even hike on one of the many trails throughout the neighboring wilderness areas.  From the main road it will branch off into other 4X4 trails.  Although the pictures shown on this site are of Red Lake and Coyote Lake trails, there are others.  The other lakes in this area include Strawberry, Mirror and West lakes.  In the pictures below the diversity of the trail is evident and care must be taken to navigate through it safely.  Individuals that have mastered the art of four wheeling can do this trail without much difficulty.  There are a couple areas that could require winching to make the trip less stressful on the vehicles drivetrain.  However, once you have reached your destination the reward is breathtaking.  A hike to the top of Red Mountain can offer you incredible views of the entire area.  Seen from a top Red Mountain is Red Lake(45), Coyote Lake(46) and Strawberry Lake(48, 50) is their corresponding photos.

Ready to hit the trail?  Write us to join the next trip to this pristine area.

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Friday, January 02, 2015

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