Saline Valley

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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Saline Valley is truly a remarkable place and can be reached from several different roads or trails.  Some of the trails getting into the valley are difficult and should not be attempted alone.  The northeasterly trail that comes up from the Eureka Sand Dune is at times a multitude of stair steps left over from the constant flash flooding and erosion.  Another is the 'Lippincott'  trail which descends down from the Race Track.  Care must be taken here due to the lack of maintenance on this road.  Once at the bottom, occasionally this section get washed out from flash floods.  All other entry points are just wash board dirt roads from Hunter Mountain or the northwesterly route down out of the Eureka Sand Dune.

Once you have arrived you have a choice of the three different hot springs in the area.  Lower, Palm Springs and the upper warm springs.  Clothing optional area.  For family outings we recommend the upper warm springs.  A little difficult to get too and usually void of nudists.  The temperature here can change rapidly.  The photos of the snow covered mountains was in late April.  The temperature here was 110 degrees in the shade.  We left the next day through the back side of the Eureka Sand Dune and went to Big Pine where we froze.

Here are a few pictures of the surrounding area and the trail over to the Dune.

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Friday, January 02, 2015

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