Big Bear

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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Big Bear, California is a wonderful resort and 4 wheeling area.  This great spot located in the San Bernardino National Forest has much to offer to everyone.  Camping, exploring, wheeling, fishing, boating, hiking and the list goes on.  Stop by one of the many Ranger Stations throughout the area and pick up a map.  Some of our favorite routes through the forest include Holcolm Creek (3N93&2N06X), Dishpan Springs just west of the Crab Flats campground, John Bull, Luna Mountain (3N59A), Crafts Peak (2N19) and Gold Mountain (3N69).  Drop us a line and we'll do our best to accommodate your next exploration in this fabulous area.   Take a guide tour with the Hegowee 4WD Club and experience the magic of this area.

The background picture is a view of Big Bear Lake from Crafts Peak at 8300 feet.  Actually from the top of Crafts Peak you can see Apple Valley to the north, Lake Arrowhead, Green Valley Lake to the west and the Snow Summit ski resort to the south.  Come on up sometime to off road in this wonderful area.

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Friday, January 02, 2015

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